Hijab Stylish Camera - Baixar APK para Android | Aptoide
sourcedate 2024-05-07 / browse数 162
Hijab Stylish Camera is the application hijab frames or photo montage very cool. Applications are particularly suitable for you who like to wear hijab many models. Muslim women who love fashion will always follow the development trend of hijab in the environment. Many hijab can be tried in this application. Here you can wear different clothes and their Muslim hijab very pretty and also has a very harmonious combination. Hijab can be used as inspiration in choosing the hijab for walks, when relaxed, lectures, as well as for day of Ramadan this blessed.
1. Open the application and press the start button to choose the hijab or frame,
2. Select a frame hijab do you think nice to use and suitable for the position of your face,
3. Press the select photo button to take photos in the gallery andMermaid richesroid,
4. Crop the photo right in the face you want to be placed on the frame you choose,
5. Place the photo of your face just in holes in the costume,
6. Use two fingers to zoom in and zoom out the size of the photo to edit,
7. Background transparent, making it easier for you to edit your photos into costume,
8. Press the Save button to save photos that you have edited,
9. Press set wallpaper button for direct use as wallpaper on android,
10. Press the share button to share with your friends through social networks you already have,
11. Press the frame button to choose clothes hijab that you want,
Choose a good photo and in accordance with the position of your face, so that the application hijab and also your face will look like real. You seemed to like wearing hijab with different combinations of clothes or dress very attractively. You will look more beautiful, fashionable and also perfect when wearing the hijab that suits your style. Discover more privileges in this app with a collection of very beautiful hijab and also you can try to wear it. Share this app and also photos that you have edited to your friends as well. They will see you are wearing hijab were very nice and also make you more beautiful. Thanks.
Hijab elegante câmera é os quadros hijab aplicação ou montagem da foto muito legal. Aplicações são particularmente adequados para você que gosta de usar hijab muitos modelos. As mulheres muçulmanas que gostam de moda vai sempre seguir a tendência de desenvolvimento do hijab no ambiente. Muitos hijab pode ser julgado nesta aplicação. Aqui você pode usar diferentes roupas e seus hijab muçulmano muito bonito e também tem uma combinação muito harmoniosa. Hijab pode ser usado como inspiração na escolha do hijab para caminhadas, quando relaxado, palestras, bem como para o dia do Ramadã este bendito.