Chikiampamp39s Chase [Unlocked]
sourcedate 2024-07-08 / browse数 64
Chikis Chase - simple and fun action platformerfor Android devices. Endless randomized levelsA fast-paced Android platform game with high challenge levels, where you have to play as a funny character named Chiki, take control of him and help the hero overcome pixel locations filled with strange monsters, magical portals, traps and dangers. You can download this free pixel platformer for Android and unlock even more characters with unique fighting styles, an incendiary soundtrack and over 25 powerful upgrades. Dangers and Traps This game will offer you almost endless gameplay, as randomized levels are prepared for you with difficult tests, traps and opponents. Customize your character's appearance with 25 stylish hats that you'll collect as you progress through the levels. You can also upgrade the characteristics of your character so that he can cope witrummy wealthh obstacles and dangers even more dexterously and quickly.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 50.86 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newBugs fixed.Update history-----
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